In my personal opinion, sending letters is the best method of direct mail marketing!
With a letter you have unlimited space to tell your story and explain exactly how you can provide valuable solutions to benefit the reader.

Here are a few things to consider when creating your letters and mailings:
You should try to write your letter as long as it needs to be to explain to the reader how you may be able to solve their problem. It’s a fact that longer ad copy works better than short ad copy. And there’s no such thing as a letter that is too long.
However, there is such a thing as a sales letter that is too boring. It doesn’t matter if your letter takes 3, 4, 5, or 10 pages to get your point across to the reader as long as it is loaded with benefits to them, and gives the reader a reason to keep reading.
Be sure to write your letter as if it was intended to be read by that particular reader. For example, instead of using… “We can help people avoid foreclosure”, try using…

“We can help you avoid foreclosure”.

Changing the word “people”, to the word “you”, will make it sound like you are only concerned about helping that individual reader, rather than just anyone who will respond to your letter.

It’s subtle, but it works. Marketing experts call this transferring ownership to the reader.

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