Does anybody have a blog here where I can guest post as a writer? I need more blogs to promote myself and my site. This I think is a good deal since you will have free quality content and I will have a link to my blog. The niche is real estate and property ownership.

Hoping to hear from you guys!

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Too bad, I'm not yet done with my blog, by any chance would you consider a personal blog? I know that link from a site/blog with the same niche is more valuable, but just in case, as they say, a link is still a link.
I have a blog in It is in subdomain tho, but it has a good Page Rank and a decent amount of traffic. I will email you details. I hope I can do the same in your blog.
Why don't you just submit articles in directories? Or do some paid posting? There are a lot of sites that provide that service.
Yes link on the same niche is more valuable. A link is still a link if it is not a bad neighborhood category. What's the url of your personal blog? Let me check it! :)

Hannah Wy said:
Too bad, I'm not yet done with my blog, by any chance would you consider a personal blog? I know that link from a site/blog with the same niche is more valuable, but just in case, as they say, a link is still a link.
I am also doing that. I am employing all the techniques that I can. I'm trying to be more aggressive. After all I don't believe there is such a thing as over linking.

Kurt Lacson said:
Why don't you just submit articles in directories? Or do some paid posting? There are a lot of sites that provide that service.
Actually there, if you are after SE giving you higher rankings, you might want to stay away from massive link buildup. They might mark you as spammer.

Mary Burton said:
I am also doing that. I am employing all the techniques that I can. I'm trying to be more aggressive. After all I don't believe there is such a thing as over linking.

Kurt Lacson said:
Why don't you just submit articles in directories? Or do some paid posting? There are a lot of sites that provide that service.
This is effective in other niches as well. Good luck to your blog Mary. :)

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