I'm interested in hearing your worst of the worst. We've had deals, tenants, and problems that seem to defy all reason. Share them here, and maybe someone can learn from our headaches!

I had a tenant that was constantly complaining about plumbing problems. The toilet wouldn't flush right, the bathtub wouldn't drain, and the washing machine would smell like sewage. This was during the autumn season I paid nearly $2000 between two different plumbers who each said they had fixed the problems, but after a few months the issues come back. I sent out a third plumber. This guy scoped and snaked every pipe in the house, and finally discovered the problem. You see, this was in Texas and the spring rains were pretty heavy. As the trees and shrubs were growing and fighting for water, they broke through the old clay sewage pipes. It cost me an additional $3000 to dig up the yard and replace the entire sewage line. Otherwise, I was convinced the tenant was doing something wrong and flushing things down the drain that shouldn't be there. But the lesson learned was that mother nature has a vote, too, and sometimes that pesky tenant isn't at fault.

What story do you have?

Buying Houses in Central Texas

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